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Westland Aftercut Moss Killer 80m2 Box

Westland  |  SKU: 111793
Tax included


Aftercut Moss Killer is an effective lawn treatment with Iron that kills moss, builds grass roots, and creates a greener, stronger lawn. Packed with iron, this formula not only eradicates moss but also promotes robust grass root development, resulting in a lush, green lawn. Effects can be seen in 7 days and our balanced nutrient package ensures steady growth, minimising the need for excessive mowing. Aftercut Moss Killer is suitable for use in spring and autumn when moss thrives.

  • Iron kills moss
  • Potassium aids energy storage for roots
  • Balanced nutrient package
  • Suitable for spring & autumn
  • Creates a stronger lawn


It’s as easy as 1, 2, 3

1. Where and When to use:
For use on established lawns (more than 1 year old)

Apply from May to Mid-November when grass and moss are actively growing

Apply on a calm day when the grass is dry and the soil is moist

DO NOT apply in windy conditions. Do not use during drought or freezing conditions

2. How Much to use:
Apply at a rate of 32g/m2

Avoid overdosing

3. How to use:
It is good practice to wear gloves when using this product, although it is not a requirement

Mark out areas to be treated

Apply the granules evenly to ensure complete and even lawn coverage. If using a wheeled spreader find your spreader settings here.

Avoid contact with flowers, shrubs, fruit, vegetable plants and hard surfaces

Avoid walking or allowing pets on the treated area until granules have been watered in and the lawn is fully dry. Transferring product onto hard surfaces/into the house may cause staining.

0 – 1 hours – Brush off granules immediately from hard surfaces, paving, decking, clothing and footwear to avoid staining/discolouration. DO NOT wash off with water as will cause staining.

48 hours – Water granules in well within 48 hours if no rain falls

3 – 4 days – You can now mow the lawn 3-4 days after treatment. DO NOT use the first 3 lawn clippings for mulching, until composted for 6 months

7 – 14 days – Rake out dead moss that has blackened

6 weeks – Re-treat if necessary for heavy moss infestation or if moss returns. DO NOT apply more than twice per season

6 weeks – Wait 6 weeks after application before sowing lawn seed to fill any patches left by moss removal