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Resolva Xtra Fast Weedkiller 1L

Westland  |  SKU: 103100
Tax included


Resolva Xtra Fast Weedkiller controls a range of annual and perennial broad-leaved weeds as well as grasses within just 3 hours. This ready to use formulation will biodegrade in the soil and will give you fast and visible results. Keep the weeds in your garden at bay with this fast and effective weedkiller.

  • Fast acting
  • Effective on a wide spectrum of weeds
  • Biodegrades in soil
  • Naturally occurring ingredient
  • Glyphosate free
  • Kills weeds by contact action


Resolva Xtra Fast Weedkiller can be used on beds, borders, natural permeable surfaces and natural paths.

Use on a calm, wind free day to avoid drift and maximise the weed coverage. Avoid rainy conditions as this will ‘wash away’ the weedkiller.

Ideally use for the first time in spring when weeds are starting to grow. To keep weeds at bay, repeat applications as necessary through the season, up to a maximum of 4 applications per year. Do not use between 18th September and 1st April.

However, take care to avoid spray on wanted plants and lawns as Resolva Xtra Fast Weedkiller will kill all green plant parts. DO NOT USE on impermeable surfaces such as concrete, tarmac or paved areas where the product may run off into water courses or ponds.

Shake well before use

Rotate nozzle to “spray” or “stream” position.

Spray the weeds lightly and evenly until fully wetted but avoid run off.

Maximum dose rate is 100ml per sq. m.

Spray under or between cultivated plants (do not direct spray or allow spray too drift onto cultivated plants).

Be careful not to spray green crop parts.

The product has no long-term effect.

Maximum of 4 applications per season with an interval of 2-4 weeks between applications.

Treated areas can be re-entered immediately after drying of the spray. Keep children and pets away from treated areas until spray has dried.

  • Size