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Resolva Lawn WeedKiller Extra Ready To Use 1L

Westland  |  SKU: 51060
Tax included


Resolva Lawn Weedkiller Extra Ready to Use is ideal for effective control of broad leaved weeds specifically on lawns. This includes Dandelions, Daisies, White Clover, Yarrow, Buttercups, Self Heal, deadnettle and speedwell as well as broad-leaved docks in lawns.

  • Kills the weed NOT the lawn
  • For broad-leaved weeds such as clover, daisy, buttercup & dandelions
  • Kills the root
  • Unique non-drip trigger
  • Contains mecoprop-P and dicamba


When to Use:
Resolva Lawn Weedkiller Extra Ready to Use should be applied from April until the end of September

Use on a warm, sunny day on sufficiently developed plants

Avoid treatment during dry periods and when rain is expected within 24 hours

Do not use on new grass for 6 months after establishment

Treatments should not be made immediately after mowing

For best results, apply the product at least 5 days after the last mowing and wait 7 days after application before mowing again

Where to Use:
Do not apply to individual weeds more than once per year and avoid multiple applications to the same area

Extreme care must be taken to avoid spray drift onto non-crop plants outside of the target area

How to Use:
Always read the label fully before use

Shake well before use

Rotate the spray adjuster to ‘spray’ or ‘stream’

Keep the sprayer 20cm from target weeds

Spray leaves as a light spray directly to weeds until they are wet, but avoiding run-off

For the majority of weeds a single squeeze is sufficient

Rotate the spray adjuster to ‘X’ position after use and before storage

Scorching of grass can occur if more than one squeeze is applied to a given area

Re-treatment may be necessary for well-established difficult to control weeds

Allow an interval of at least 6 weeks between treatments

Following spraying, do not cut grass for at least one day after treatment and ideally leave the sprayed area uncut for as long as possible

The first four mowings of treated grass must be composted for six months before use as a mulch

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