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Westland Safe Lawn 80m2 Box

Westland  |  SKU: 111794
Tax included


Westland SafeLawn is for anyone who loves their lawn. But, it’s especially great for anyone with children or pets. If you love your lawn, but you’re put off using chemicals due to safety concerns with children and pets, Westland SafeLawn is the product for you. It is a fertiliser made using only natural ingredients and less iron to reduce the risk of staining and transferring of the product onto hard surfaces. This means children and pets can safely use the lawn after application.

SafeLawn has a slow-release feed package for a long lasting green and healthy lawn. It also promotes lawn recovery in spring and strengthens your lawn to cope with the stresses in winter. As your lawn becomes stronger it will then start to outcompete weeds and moss. The friendly bacteria will then transform dead moss into nutrients.

  • With naturally occurring ingredients
  • Safe to use around children and pets
  • Feeds all year round for a healthier lawn
  • Helps prevent weeds and moss
  • Greener and strong lawn results
  • Can walk on immediately after application


It’s as easy as 1, 2, 3

1. Where and When to use:
Can be used on young and established lawns

Apply from February to October when grass is actively growing

Apply on a calm day when the grass is dry

DO NOT apply during drought or freezing conditions

2. How Much to use:
Apply at a rate of 32g/m2

Top Tip: one handful is approximately 32g

3. How to use:
It is good practice to wear gloves when using this product, although it is not a requirement

Mark out area to be treated

Shake the pack before use to mix the contents

Apply evenly over the marked area by hand or wheeled spreader.

Apply using the built-in spreader if using Spreader For Life

It is good practice to wash hands and skin after use

It is always a good idea to store product away from children and pets in a dry frost-free place

Children and pets can use the lawn after application