Brilliant for providing humidity within a set up it provides an ideal substrate to aid with reptiles shedding skin and creating a natural environment. Each compact brick expands to seven times their size when placed in water.
Monitoring of humidity within an enclosure is essential in providing every species with the correct environment. The Komodo Analogue Hygrometer accurately monitors humidity on a colour coded humidity scale. Easy to mount, view and read.
Monitoring of humidity within an enclosure is essential in providing every species with the correct environment. The Komodo Digital Hygrometer accurately monitors humidity using a flexible remote sensor probe. Easy to view and read digital display.
Infrared Spot Bulb The ideal 24 hour infrared heat source for reptiles. Great for daytime and night time, providing the same heat output with a more subtle lighting shade. The ideal 24 hour infrared heat source for reptiles.
Infrared Spot Bulb The ideal 24 hour infrared heat source for reptiles. Great for daytime and night time, providing the same heat output with a more subtle lighting shade. The ideal 24 hour infrared heat source for reptiles.
Infrared Spot Bulb The ideal 24 hour infrared heat source for reptiles. Great for daytime and night time, providing the same heat output with a more subtle lighting shade. The ideal 24 hour infrared heat source for reptiles.